lunes, septiembre 18, 2006

Mas fotos,...

This past weekend was relatively uneventful. I went to a jazz concert with a girlfriend from work, and some of her friends, and we saw a couple of movies. But other than that, I just relaxed, cooked, and spent time with my flatmates.

Upon arriving at work today, my friend Marc, with whom I went to the Pyrenees with 2 weeks ago, sent me the pictures that he'd taken, and because they are much better than the ones I took, I'm going to post them here. I rarely have pictures of myself, so it's a nice change to finally be in some of them.

P.S. I've decided to post pictures whenever possible instead of attempting to describe my spanish surroundings because 1. my limited vocabulary will always prevent me from doing it justice, and 2. as I'm sure you have all noticed (and politely avoided mentioning in any correspondance), my english spelling and grammer is deteriorating. (However, this is not to imply that it was ever at a decent level to begin with) My excuse is that it's inevitable after speaking broken english sentences with people whose native languages are not english for 4 months now,... : )

My apologies, Love always, Sarah.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

I know what you mean about losing the English. I think that the rule of thumb is that for each new word you learn in another language, you lose a word in English. Yesterday I caught myself asking, "We go pool now?"

You're not alone in this one. :o)